How to Feel Confident
Tuyen is currently teaching at Lesley University: Color Design Workshop, Introduction to Interactivity and Graphic Design Techniques for Sneaker Innovation for Pre-college Summer Program. She has previously taught Graphic Design II at UMAss Lowell and worked at Massachusetts College of Art + Design in Visual Language & TIME, Studio Foundation classes.
Sketch it.
Go Analog! Design goes through Research, ideas & sketches on paper. Sketch it and prototype it!
Peer Critique it.
Critique is a vital part of the creative process. It is a communication skill that needs to be learned and practiced the same as any technical skill or mastery of medium and materials.
Work in group is key but also getting professionals on board too as guest critic or lecturers. Among Tuyen’s international network : Graphic Designers, Color Designer, Architects, Restaurant Brand Identity Managers, UX Designers, etc.